Holy Family Church, Chagford

Mass Times

Thursday: 10.30am
Sunday: 9.00am

A Short History…

Mass was originally celebrated at Gidleigh Park… .which was a private house. Then in 1946 we moved to the British Legion Hall later known as St. Catherines House and then Endacott House…and then we were given notice because the building had changed hands and we went to the Jubilee Hall. The accommodation at the British Legion Hall was not vast because the large room already housed a billiard table and a table tennis table and the inner room only held a makeshift altar and about 16 chairs. The overflow of parishioners had to hear Mass through the little window between the two rooms. Our priest was Father O’Leary. who was moved in 1950…to be followed by the first Fr, Michael Murphy.


After a number of years noises were made about trying to raise some money to build our own Church. Since there was only a congregation of about 25 people this seemed like pie in the sky. Nothing daunted, we decided to have a Bazaar. In those days there were very few bazaars…St. Michael’s Church Fête in the Summer and again at Christmas, with a few jumble sales in between. Our first Bazaar took place on December 15 1957 …..A very snowy day. Maureen Bain, Leslie Langton Lockton, Judith Messel, Anne Fitzpatrick, Mary Siepmann (Mary Wesley the author), Mrs. Black and Jean Daymond were the stall holders and the whole thing was organised at only one meeting! The result was an amazing £250 an unheard of amount. So a piece of ground was bought in Grammer’s Lane and Robin McMillan-Scott designed

Father Michael Murphy who orchestrated the whole project was a very quiet and shy person, Sadly he was moved a year after the Church was opened.


We then had Fr. Smith Fr. Considine, another different Fr. Murphy, Fr. Aloysius OSBT Fr. Paul, Monsignor Hay, Fr. Koppel, Fr. Peter Morgan OSB. and now Father Darline.


Many of our parishioners come quite a distance some from as far away as Winkleigh. There is a basic congregation of about 50.


The Church is looked after by Dr. Rhodes and a highly efficient team of parishioners, who Minister, clean, read and do flowers. …and take Eucharistic services when the priest is unable to come.